Surf Photography

surf photography

There are many different types of photography and surf photography is one of the most established and popular. When you think of photography you instantly think of art and motion. Surfing is one of the purest forms of motion and epitomizes the beauty of movement. Both harmony and nature are also strong aspects of surf photography and have helped to catapult this type of photography into mainstream culture. It started to gain recognition in the early 1980’s and has come a long way throughout the years.

Photogenic Movement

When you are looking for a subject to photograph, there really is nothing better than surfing. You can capture images of water, nature and human movement all in one photo. The complexity of the images being captured make surf photography a specialized skill. It takes time to learn how to capture the best surfing images. One of the most effective ways to improve your surf photography abilities is to invest in technology.

Technology and Surf Photography

Photography is an art form that requires not only the ideal skillset, but also the best tools. In surf photography, you need access to technologically advanced equipment that will make it easier to capture more brilliant surfing photos. Most surf photographers begin by using some type of telephoto lens to shoot surfing images from the beach * A high powered lens allows you to get close images of the action without actually being on the surf. You can shoot action full frame surf photos from a long distance.

Water Photography

As you become more comfortable with surf photography water photography is the next step and involves using a camera that is water resistant. This allows surf photographers to take photos at eye-level and get more breathtakingly beautiful images. The Nikon F5 or the Canon EOS are just two cameras that work well for this. Water photos are often more dangerous to take, but experienced surf photographers know how to stay safe and still obtain the best image.

Specialized Photography

This specialized type of photography can be found in publications, magazines and are used by many photo agencies. It takes time to develop the skills necessary to excel at surf photography, but if you have a knack for photos you can catch on quickly. Surf photography is so popular because there are such a variety of shots and images that can be captured in their purest form.


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